From the symbiosis of nature, a perfect balance between the trees, the ground, the weather and the climate, allow the most prized fruit of the Earth, the Truffle, to born and grows in the territory of Umbria region, the green heart of Italy. From this perfect combination born

A set of quality premium products combined with Truffle in a high-end quality range to be find-out.

Tartufissimo is The new born Brand of Giuliano Tartufi’s production, company with more than 30 years of experience in selecting truffles and highly specialized in the production of preserved truffle products.

Giuliano Tartufi born from the hobby and the passion of a very young Giuliano Martinelli, C.E.O. and Founder, who, already in the early 80’s used to go every morning into the woods to hunt truffles together with his inseparable dog. Very soon, Giuliano decides to follow his dream to devote himself exclusively to hunt and deal with fresh truffles, using the unsold truffles to produce the first preserved Truffle products in a very small laboratory. Since 1991 Giuliano Tartufi company begin to participate to some of the most important Italian exhibitions and specializes this way in marketing, promoting the Truffle, at this time little know and esclusively reserved to the Elite.

The goal of Giuliano Tartufi is and always has been sharing to everyone its passion for truffles, by bringing the culinary traditions and the typicalities of its land all over the world. As a matter of fact Giuliano Tartufi is committed every day to ensure that its values are transmitted and “married” by all its national and international partners: it is no coincidence that the graphic element that represents the company is a ring of truffles, a real symbol of eternal and indissoluble love for the truffle which became a strong brand in the worldwide truffle market in a few year thanks to a strong communication and capillar distribution.

Quality Certifications

Quality Certifications

Supply chain

Truffle Hunters
Hectares of Natural Area
Hectares of Private Plantation
0 k
Kg of Truffle Bought Each Year
0 kk
of Items Produced by Year
0 k
SQM Factory plant
Giuliano Tartufi‘s Family