
White Truffle gets hunted in Autumn from the last Sunday of September to December 31st. Prices vary according to size and availability, which depends a lot on the season and the weather, where rain has a big impact.

Organolpetics Features

White Truffle is the most precious variety of truffle. Featured by a clear and smooth surface, a complex and harmonious aroma and a delicate flavor with light hints of garlic. The dimensions of White Trufflesmayvary a lot: from those of a walnut up to those of a large apple (and exceptionallybeyond).


For the development of the White Truffle the soil must be silty, relatively fertile, and with a correct balance between clay and sand. It is usually located at the bottom of a valley, but sometimes also in hilly and wooded areas. The regions known and rich in white truffles are mainly around Piedmont, Umbria, Marche and Molise.


White Truffle should preferably be enjoyed raw: in many possiblepairings,to enhance its flavor and aroma. It is a must to upgrade delicate dishes such as risotto, fresh egg pasta, eggs (especially fried), raw meat and fondue.




Black Truffle is collected, or better "hunted", in the period from December 15th to March 15th: in the middle of the cold season, when it becomeswith no doubtthe protagonist of winter recipes and holidays.

Organoleptics Features

Prized Black Truffle, also known as Norcia Black Truffle, has a delicate and pleasant -almost sweetish- aroma. Its dimensions are variable, butmay reach -and sometimes exceed- those of an apple.


Black truffle prefers calcareous or calcareous-clayey soils with a skeleton component, which means a soil rather composed of gravel, rock and rubble. This variety of truffle is widespread in Italy (in the areas of Norcia and Spoleto in Umbria, in Abruzzo, in Calabria, in Basilicata and in Piedmont) but it can also be found in France in the area of Périgord (that’s why itis also called "Truffe du Périgord”), where it is well known and finds great attention in cooking.


Thanks to its pleasant and very aromatic aroma, and its very particular -towards sweetish-taste, Black Truffle is much appreciated on gourmet tables. Also because it holds up very well when cooked and lends itself perfectly to enriching stuffed pasta, risotto, sauces androasts.




It is hunted in quite large quantities (weather permitting) in the spring period, between January and April. To the least experienced,Bianchetto Truffle, or often called "Marzuolo" may look very similar to White truffle.

Organoleptics Features

The aroma of Bianchetto Truffle is more tenuous at the beginning and becomes more intense when fully ripened. At this point, it gets stronger and more piquant tones that vaguely recall the scent of garlic. Its dimensions are generally small (and may vary from those of a hazelnut to those of a chicken egg).


Bianchetto Truffle prefers sandy, sandy-loamy, and calcareous-clayey soils, and grows mainly in deciduous and coniferous woods. This variety of truffle is very common both in Italy (particularly in Tuscany, Marche, Umbria,Lazio and Southern Italy) and in Europe.


Thanks to its very intense taste, small quantities of Bianchetto truffle are enough to upgrade any dish. It can be used raw, in thin slices, to give flavor to hot dishes, or during the creaming of pasta and risotto, together with butter and cheese. Last but not least, Bianchetto lends itself very well to the preparation of creams and sauces.




The Black Summer Truffle (widespread in Piedmont, Emilia Romagna, Marche, Umbria, Lazio, Abruzzo, Campania and Molise), as its name suggests, ripens in the summer period, and it is hunted between the end of May and the end of August.

Organoleptics Features

For the most refined palates, the prince of hypogeum mushrooms for the warmer months is called the Summer Truffle or Scorzone. It is featured by its pleasant and delicate"underbrush" smell, and by a flavor that may recall the one of the best mushrooms. Usually the Scorzone has variable sizes, with large pieces that can occasionally reach 1 kg or even more.


Black Summer Truffle prefers clayey soils and can be hunted in woodland areas, in symbiosis with deciduous and coniferous trees up to about 1000 meters above sea level. This variety of truffle is mainly widespread in southern Europe (France, Italy and Spain) and eastern Europe (Bulgaria, Romania and Hungary).


This type of truffle may be enjoyed raw. Since its flavor is very delicate, in order to enhance its organoleptic characteristicsit is recommended toharmoniously dose any spice or condiment in the dish. Its uniqueflavoris a very versatile kitchen ingredient: not only forclassic and elaborate dishes, but also for quicker and simpler recipes such as finger food and appetizers.

Giuliano Tartufi‘s Family